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Meet TG Gardner

Apostle Tavares Gardner is a strong Apostolic and Prophetic voice that God is using to radically impact the spiritual climate of every life he touches. He has been serving as Senior Pastor of The Way Fellowship of Church of Dallas for the last 10 years and has served in ministry for more than 20 years. Because of his powerful testimony, he preaches a challenging and penetrating word that strongly articulates the heart and mind of God. Apostle Gardner flows heavily in the gifts of the Spirit, with a heavy emphasis on healing and deliverance. His authenticity and transparency have allowed him to assist God in transforming the lives of many men and women across the nation. Because of Apostle Gardner’s heart to see lives transformed, Up and Out Deliverance Conference was birthed in 2017.

It is a power-packed conference where men and women from all walks of life, backgrounds, and denominations can gather to experience deliverance and freedom in Christ as promised in His word. The most rewarding part of the conference is knowing souls have been set free, they have experienced the power of Jesus Christ, they are educated on deliverance, and their lives will never be the same.

Deliverance is a daily decision

Tavares Gardner


In 2019, Apostle Gardner and Apostle Stephanie launched a fellowship called The Way Fellowship of Churches, where they provide leadership, counsel and guidance to ministry leaders and churches. They both care tremendously about the mental health and well-being of today’s leaders. With their years of knowledge and experience, they understand the nuisances and day-to-day labors that leaders face, and they want to be instrumental in helping them avoid the pitfalls that often lead to burn out and exit from ministry. In 2021, Apostle Gardner became a published author with the release of his first book titled, Up and Out: One Man’s Walk Through Deliverance. This book details his life and how he overcame molestation and homosexuality to live a life of freedom and total deliverance. He is a firm believer that Holy Spirit’s guidance is needed for Christian’s to live a full life in Christ. He can often be heard telling others, “Holy Spirit is more than a dance and a holler, but He helps you to live right” and he is living proof.

Apostle Gardner is married to Apostle Stephanie Gardner who works hand in hand with him in ministry. They have 2 children, who also serve with them in ministry at The Way Fellowship Church in Dallas.

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